

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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Twitter Abbreviations To Shorten Your Marketing Tweets

There have been so many times where I wanted to say a whole lot more than 140 characters on Twitter. We've all been there! And honestly, that amount of space IS quite a bit to convey a message. However, there are many that simply don't agree. Still, we all have to abide by that one limit.

There are many clever abbreviations we can use to shorten up tweets. Most people like short and to the point. Make it a long, long message and folks often get lost in it. And what do they do? They move on!

You of course want people to stay long enough to read your post. I know for myself, on a website for example...if there is a super long welcome message, I will most often click away. However on Twitter, the platform takes care of that issue. We have 140 characters, use them wise!

Below is a handful of abbreviations, link and tweet shorteners, for your use

DM = direct message

RT = retweet

LOL = laugh out loud

BTW= by the way

b4 = before

1 = one, won

2 = to, too, two

fab = fabulous

fave = favorite

GR8 = great

FB = facebook

FYI = for your information

LMK = let me know

peeps = people

plz = please

TYT = take your time

L8er = later

thx = thanks

TY = thank you

2u = to you

Tweeple = twitter people

JK j/k = just kidding

K = okay

IMHO = in my humble opinion

IC = I see

fwd = forward

Shortening Links

The links we use on Twitter can be very long. Fortunately there are many link shortening services at our disposal. I prefer, as I have it in my favorites so all I have to do is click and enter my URL, and click shorten, and it instantly gives me the shortened version.

However, there are various shorteners I see others using, as there are a lot of alternatives. Below are a few I have listed for your convenience.

Need to make your tweet less than 140 characters?


Tweet Compressor






Hopefully the resources I've provided will be of some help with your marketing, and also make your Twitter experience a better one.

Article Source:

Article Written By: Tammy Embrich

Tammy has been successful in the work at home industry for many years now. She is an Internet marketer, article marketer, and ghostwriter. She offers free job leads for the job seeker, as well as other free resources, work at home articles, tips, and more at Work At Home Jobs.

You can also find Tammy at her Grandparenting Articles and Tips blog, offering grandmother's experiences, brags, recipes, tips, photos, and more.